Monday, February 17, 2025

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***Upcoming Sheriff Sale - February 7, 2025 at 10:30 am***

The February 7, 2025 Sheriff Sale will be held at the Third Street Plaza, Commissioners Board Room, Third Floor, 33 West 3rd Street, Williamsport, PA 17701.

The sale will start at 10:30 a.m. We look forward to seeing you there!

Real Estate Division


Regarding Sheriff Sales, Effective December 1st 2019: Register & Recorder now requires a registration form to be attached to Deeds at the time of recording. This requires all attorneys and third party buyers to submit a registration form along with deeding instructions and the Realty Transfer Tax Statement of Value forms. Any further questions, call the Real-Estate Division at  570-327-2220.


Documents Required for a Writ of Execution

Real Estate & Mortgage Foreclosure

  1. $3,000.00 Deposit
  2. Writ for each defendant/Occupant
  3. P.R.C.P. Rule Notice of Sale 3129.2 for Sheriff
  4. P.R.C.P. Rule Notice of Sale 3129.2 for each defendant
  5. P.R.C.P Rule Affidavit 3129.1 for Sheriff
  6. Word Format version of long legal description e-mailed to
  7. Short or Long Legal Description for each Defendant/Occupant
  8. Cover Letter with instructions for service

Attorney Disclaimer: Legal Description MUST INCLUDE tax parcel number(s) and docket number if NOT included, the Writ will be returned


Post Sheriff Sale Requirements

  • A successful third party bidder is required to pay a 25% deposit of purchase price and 2% poundage of the first $250,000.00 and ½% on any amount over.
  • The deposit must be paid to the Sheriff immediately after the conclusion of Sheriff’s sales by the successful bidders on each property.  Deposit can be paid with certified check or personal check made payable to the Sheriff of Lycoming County.
  • The balance of the purchase price and poundage must be paid within ten (10) days of the sale without any further demand.  In default, thereof, the property may be sold again at the risk of the defaulting bidder and in case any deficiency on such resale the defaulting bidder shall make good the same to any persons injured.
  • The deposit paid by any bidder who fails to comply with the above conditions shall be forfeited.  Bidders are responsible to research the title to the property being sold prior to sale. 
  • Deeding Assignment- The successful bidder must provide the name and address of the party to whom the property is to be conveyed to.
  • (2) Reality Transfer of Value (completed and signed). Reality Transfer Tax Statement of Value located on our website
  • Registration forms may be required by the Register & Recorder’s office when your deed is recorded. Please note that you must provide these forms to our office prior to deed being filed. 

​​DISCLAIMER: The Sheriff shall not be liable for loss or damage to the premises sold resulting from any cause whatsoever, and makes no representation or warranty regarding the condition of the premises. The properties are sold AS IS.


Additional Resources

Sheriff Sales Deed Requirements

Sheriff Sale Listings

Directions for Emailing Legal Descriptions

Sheriff Sale Conditions

Sheriff Sale Requirements

Reality Transfer Tax Statement of Value

Sheriff Sale FAQ's

Schedule for the 2025 Sheriff Sales

Schedule for the 2026 Sheriff Sales



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