Local Rules
To read the Lycoming County Court of Common Pleas local rules online, CLICK HERE.
Role of the Courts
The AOPC (Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts) has recently released an informational website for teachers, students, and the public to learn more about the work, role, and structure of the state’s courts.
To Learn More, CLICK HERE
“Pro se litigants” are individuals who are representing themselves in a legal proceeding.
The Lycoming County Law Library has organized materials and resources for individuals who choose to represent themselves in a legal matter. Individuals who represent themselves in court proceedings are referred to as “pro se,” which in Latin means “for self.” The information provided online and in the law library may not be appropriate for your situation. The law library does not provide legal advice and should not be substituted for legal advice. If you have legal questions, you should contact a lawyer. Pro se litigants are held to the same standards as attorneys admitted to the bar of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Representing yourself does not exempt you from understanding and following state-wide and local rules of court.
Guide of what the Law Library Can and Cannot Do to Help You
No Cell Phones or Recording Devices Permitted in Courthouse
Lycoming County Courthouse Cell Phone Notice and Application for an Electronic Device Pass