Wednesday, February 19, 2025

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Camp Cadet

Lycoming County Police Camp Cadet





Camp Cadet was formed in 1976 by Trooper Richard A. Reitz, of the Pennsylvania State Police. Through his and others to follow untiring efforts Camp Cadet has provided the inspiration for the establishment of other Camp Cadet programs across Pennsylvania.

The program was originally called the “Pennsylvania State Police Camp Cadet”, and run with funding from the community to the Pennsylvania State Police. In 1977, the Lycoming County chapter of the National Conference of Christians and Jews assumed responsibility for raising funds needed to operate the camp. This organization is now called Lycoming County, Brotherhood County, USA.

The program was restructured in 1979 and is currently operated through the combined efforts of all Law Enforcement agencies in Lycoming County. In 1986, Camp Cadet became a corporation, with the Board of Directors assuming the overall responsibility of the program’s operation.

The Mission

The Program is designed to bring a better understanding between the youth of Lycoming County and its Law Enforcement officials

The goal of Camp Cadet is to provide an enjoyable experience that will be remembered by all cadets who attend and to create that lasting impression that police officers are their friends.

Camp Cadet is six days of being introduced to all aspects of Law Enforcement and Emergency Services with an opportunity to get to know police officers and the counselors on a personal basis.  The Cadets are also exposed to competitive and learning activities outside the classroom that include Water Safety, Tactics, Crimes Scene Investigations, Firearms Safety, Bicycle Safety and Self Defense.  They also get to tour the Little League Museum.

Camp Cadet was originally held at Camp Susque, in northern Lycoming County, from 1976-1994.  In 1995, Camp Cadet moved to the Little League Complex in South Williamsport.  This move allowed us to run the girls’ and boys’ camps simultaneously and save on the ever-growing expenses of running two weeks of camp and staffing the camp.

The camp also provides the atmosphere of a police academy.  Emphasis is placed on self-discipline, in an effort to encourage some form of regimentation in the personal lives of the Cadets.

Camp Cadet is currently held on the grounds of Little League Baseball Headquarters along Route 15 in South Williamsport.  The cadets stay in the dorms for the 6 day stay and eat in the cafeteria in the “Grove’.  The facilities provide plenty of room and area to conduct all the activities of Camp Cadet.

Camp Cadet is established for boys and girls, ages 12 and 13, who attend any Lycoming County School, (public, parochial or home school.)

To keep up with the strenuous daily activity’s applicants should be in good physical condition or with an attitude to try. The Camp Cadet Board of Directors encourages all interested young people to apply for this program.

Camp Cadet is held in June of each year. Please see the updated application or calendar of events for this year’s dates and time.

How to Apply

Applications will be available during each year.  They can be obtained through the school guidance counselors’ office or from this website and fill it out and return it to the place and by the date listed on the application.  We will also be putting on programs for students in some schools and handing out applications at that time.

Please take note of the interview date for applicants wishing to become Cadets that is on the application. This will occur on a Saturday afternoon in April.

Generally, we receive more applications than there is space available for the cadets.  As a result, it is important to attend the interview date (applicants can be excused with good reason and an alternative interview will be given).

Those 13 years old are chosen, as they cannot apply the following year. Other applicants are chosen until the camp is full.

Those who had applied the previous year and were not selected because of the large number of applicants will be considered first.

The cadets receiving an appointment to attend are required to pay a registration fee of $20.00. This covers the cost of insurance and is non-refundable.

Cadets are required to have a physical examination by their own physician.  The medical form must be completed by a physician and returned prior to the start of camp.

Cadets are responsible for providing their own transportation to and from camp.  Arrival time is between 1PM-3PM on Sunday.  Departure follows graduation, which begins at 7PM on Friday.

Cadets are issued an official hat, t-shirt and shorts for wear during the majority of camp activities during the week.  Little League provides laundry services so the cadets will have a clean uniform to start each day.  Other clothing the cadets need to bring is listed in the acceptance package each cadet receives upon being accepted to camp. (i.e. Swimsuits, clothes for PT, rain gear etc.)

This program requires those attending to accept military-style discipline and to participate in events that include:

Close order drill, marching, personal and barracks inspections.

This is the highlight of the cadet’s week-long experience that involves the parading in of the cadets, posting of the colors, presentation of awards and recognizing the Campers of the week from each camp and the boy and girl campers who receive the Tpr. Reitz award and the opportunity to attend the State Police Honors camp held the following summer in Hershey, PA.

Still Need More Information?

Have a Question?

Please Contact Tpr. Lauren Lesher Community Service Officer & Public Information Officer at or by phone at (570) 368-5764

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