Monday, February 17, 2025

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are tours of the landfill available?

A: Yes.  Please call 1-800-326-9571 to schedule your group.

Q:  Who provides assistance with recycling of mercury containing devices?

A:  PADEP provides a no cost collection of mercury containing devices from individuals, school districts and non-profit organizations.  They should contact Tom Mears at the North Central Regional Office in Williamsport by phone at 570-327-3722 or by email at  Tom is the Environmental Emergency Response Manager and will provide information on how the device should be packaged and specifics on collection.  For mercury containing thermostats there is a non-profit organization that coordinates their collection.  Contact information can be found at

Q: How can paint be disposed of?

A: Leave the container open so the paint may harden. Kitty litter, sand, sawdust, etc. can be used to help accelerate this process.  Once the paint is non-flowable or hardened, reseal the can then dispose of in trash.


Q: How do I dispose of fluorescent light bulbs?

A: The EPA now considers them to be hazardous waste unless the manufacturer supplies TCLP data to prove otherwise.  Please contact Donald Hassenplug at 1-800-326-9571 for additional information.

See attached article for additional information:  (The Dark Side of Green Bulbs)

Industry may contact Veolia Environmental Services for recycling options at:

Lowe's Accepts CFLs (compact fluorescent blubs) for recycling. 



Q: What do I do with my old un-interruptable power supply batteries?

A: They can be recycled, free of charge, with auto batteries at the landfill. Other battery recycling info can be found here.

Q: What do I do with my telephone books?

A: Place them in the fiber/paper container at one of our recycling drop off sites.

Q: What do I do with my old hardcover and softcover books?

A: Try to donate first! See if your local library will accept them for their next book sale. Otherwise, place them in the fiber/paper container at one of our recycling drop off sites. James V. Brown Library. 


Q: How do I dispose of smoke detectors?

Click here for information.



Q: Where do I take my TVs or computers?

A: Residents may bring their TVs and/or computers to the landfill location, 447 Alexander Drive, Montgomery. This is a free service. If you have more than 10, please call first at 570-547-1870. This is for Residents only and businesses with less than 50 employees. Please stop at the scalehouse first for instructions. 


Q: Where do I take my other electronic items?

A: You can take other electronic items to KVS Computers in Hughesville or Staples. More info at here. 




Q: Why can't I recycle my kitty litter buckets?

A: We do not accept these type of plastics for recycling. We accept plastic bottles and jars. Kitty litter buckets can be reused, ex. for waste, some people use it for dog waste collection. 



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