Public involvement in the transportation planning process is a right of all residents of Lycoming County. Federal law requires that all MPO's develop and use a documented participation plan that defines the process for providing reasonable opportunities for public participation in the transportation decision-making process. The Public Involvement website has infomation on how you can participate in the transportation planning process, WATS MPO staff contact information, and the Transportation Planning Calendar.
Public involvement in the transportation planning process is a right of all residents of Lycoming County. Federal law requires that all MPO's develop and use a documented participation plan that defines the process for providing reasonable opportunities for public participation in the transportation decision-making process. The Public Involvement website has infomation on how you can participate in the transportation planning process, WATS MPO staff contact information, and the Transportation Planning Calendar.
A Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is a federally mandated local planning body composed of elected and appointed officials representing local, state and federal governments or other agencies having an interest or responsibility in the local transportation system. The MPO is responsible for creating a Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), a Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), and a Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP). An MPO can be a regional, multicounty organization or a single county. The Williamsport Area Transportation Study (WATS) is the single county MPO covering Lycoming County.
A Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is a federally mandated local planning body composed of elected and appointed officials representing local, state and federal governments or other agencies having an interest or responsibility in the local transportation system. The MPO is responsible for creating a Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), a Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), and a Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP). An MPO can be a regional, multicounty organization or a single county. The Williamsport Area Transportation Study (WATS) is the single county MPO covering Lycoming County.
Every five years, as required by federal law, the Lycoming County Department of Planning and Community Development updates the Williamsport Area Transportation Study MPO Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). The current LRTP was adopted December 17, 2018.
Every five years, as required by federal law, the Lycoming County Department of Planning and Community Development updates the Williamsport Area Transportation Study MPO Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). The current LRTP was adopted December 17, 2018.
As the federally designated metropolitan planning organization for Lycoming County, the Lycoming County Planning Commission works with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, River Valley Transit, (RVT) and STEP Inc.to develop the Transportation Improvement Program, (TIP). The TIP is a list of priority transportation projects that are proposed to be undertaken during the next four federal fiscal years using various federal, state and local funding sources. These transportation projects include a full range of highways, bridges, public transit, bicycle and pedestrian facilities.
As the federally designated metropolitan planning organization for Lycoming County, the Lycoming County Planning Commission works with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, River Valley Transit, (RVT) and STEP Inc.to develop the Transportation Improvement Program, (TIP). The TIP is a list of priority transportation projects that are proposed to be undertaken during the next four federal fiscal years using various federal, state and local funding sources. These transportation projects include a full range of highways, bridges, public transit, bicycle and pedestrian facilities.
The Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) describes the transportation-related work activities that the Lycoming County Department of Planning and Community Development (PCD) and River Valley Transit (RVT) (with the aid of planning consultants, as necessary) will perform within Lycoming County. PCD and RVT staff jointly developed the work program. Within Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, the transportation planning process is conducted through the Williamsport Area Transportation Study (WATS). WATS was established in 1968. In Pennsylvania, UPWPs are developed as 2-year programs. However, this document is dynamic and may be modified to respond to any emerging priority issue or special need vital to the orderly growth and development of Lycoming County.
The Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) describes the transportation-related work activities that the Lycoming County Department of Planning and Community Development (PCD) and River Valley Transit (RVT) (with the aid of planning consultants, as necessary) will perform within Lycoming County. PCD and RVT staff jointly developed the work program. Within Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, the transportation planning process is conducted through the Williamsport Area Transportation Study (WATS). WATS was established in 1968. In Pennsylvania, UPWPs are developed as 2-year programs. However, this document is dynamic and may be modified to respond to any emerging priority issue or special need vital to the orderly growth and development of Lycoming County.
The Pennsylvania Local Technical Assistance Program(LTAP) was created to share transportation knowledge, improve road maintenance and safety skills, and put research and new technology into practice at the municipal level.
The Pennsylvania Local Technical Assistance Program(LTAP) was created to share transportation knowledge, improve road maintenance and safety skills, and put research and new technology into practice at the municipal level.
This is the first round of municipal owned structurally deficient bridges that will be repaired in a county-wide bridge bundling program. By bundling the bridge projects, multiple bridges can be designed and constructed concurrently rather than as single projects. It is anticipated that up to a 30% overall cost savings can be achieved along with a considerably shortened project duration using this innovative approach. The Lycoming County Board of Commissioners enacted a Fee for Local Use Ordinance as authorized under PA Act 89. As a result, PennDOT will collect an additional $5 for every non-exempt vehicle registered to an address in Lycoming County and these funds will be provided back to the county on a semi-annual basis. The Commissioners' intent is to use these funds to fix or replace the growing backlog of municipality-owned structurally deficient bridges located throughout the County. Other revenue sources provided through PA Act 13 dedicated to bridges will also be used to finance this program. This revenue will be used to pay the debt service on a PA Infrastructure Bank, (PIB) loan the county would seek with PennDOT approval. The loan will serve as up front financing to undertake the bridge repair program.
This is the first round of municipal owned structurally deficient bridges that will be repaired in a county-wide bridge bundling program. By bundling the bridge projects, multiple bridges can be designed and constructed concurrently rather than as single projects. It is anticipated that up to a 30% overall cost savings can be achieved along with a considerably shortened project duration using this innovative approach. The Lycoming County Board of Commissioners enacted a Fee for Local Use Ordinance as authorized under PA Act 89. As a result, PennDOT will collect an additional $5 for every non-exempt vehicle registered to an address in Lycoming County and these funds will be provided back to the county on a semi-annual basis. The Commissioners' intent is to use these funds to fix or replace the growing backlog of municipality-owned structurally deficient bridges located throughout the County. Other revenue sources provided through PA Act 13 dedicated to bridges will also be used to finance this program. This revenue will be used to pay the debt service on a PA Infrastructure Bank, (PIB) loan the county would seek with PennDOT approval. The loan will serve as up front financing to undertake the bridge repair program.
The purpose of this special study is to evaluate the overall land use and transportation system impacts resulting from the completion of the Central Susquehanna Valley Transportation Project on the growth areas of Lycoming County. Focus will be placed on the Interstate 180 corridor from the Lycoming/Northumberland County line to its connection with US 15 as well as the US 15 corridor between the Lycoming/Union County line and its connection with Interstate 180. As a result of this study an action plan will be developed to help ensure orderly land development patterns, smart growth and a safe and efficient multi-modal transportation system that is responsive to increased traffic demand.
The purpose of this special study is to evaluate the overall land use and transportation system impacts resulting from the completion of the Central Susquehanna Valley Transportation Project on the growth areas of Lycoming County. Focus will be placed on the Interstate 180 corridor from the Lycoming/Northumberland County line to its connection with US 15 as well as the US 15 corridor between the Lycoming/Union County line and its connection with Interstate 180. As a result of this study an action plan will be developed to help ensure orderly land development patterns, smart growth and a safe and efficient multi-modal transportation system that is responsive to increased traffic demand.
Local Technical Assistance Program Courses
Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP)
- 2023-2024 LTAP Annual Report
- Lycoming County Small Bridge Inventory
2025 LTAP Course Information
Registration: Register for classes on the LTAP website https://gis.penndot.gov/ltap/. All virtual classes have Virtual, PA as their location on the website. If you need assistance with registration, please contact Sal Vitko at svitko@lyco.org call 570-320-2131.
Group Participation in LTAP Virtual Class: A municipality may have a few staff participate in a virtual class together. The class can also be viewed through a smart phone. After the class, everyone needs to use the link to fill out the quiz and evaluation forms. The forms may also be completed on a smart phone. Please have everyone register on the website that is planning on attending and completing the quiz.
Direct Questions To:
Sal Vitko
Lycoming County Planning & Community Development
Transportation Planner
Phone: (570) 320-2140
Email: svitko@lyco.org
Lycoming County Planning & Community Development
Planning & Community Development Clerk
Phone: (570) 320-2131
- The following classes are scheduled for 2025:
In-Person Courses:
Drones: Municipal Transportation Uses
Date: Tuesday, April 8, 2025 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
This course introduces attendees to the basics of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with a focus on municipal program uses. Also known as unmanned aerial systems and most often called drones. Participants will learn the variety of types and pertinent uses of the drones such as bridge/building inspections, roadway pavement visual condition assessments, and more. The course will introduce the governing regulations for use. Equipment data collection capabilities and costs will be reviewed. Note, this course is not intended to teach actual operation techniques of drones; its focus is basic drones understanding toward municipal utilization and program development planning.
Roadside Safety Features
Date: Monday, April 21, 2025, 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Roadside Safety Features will provide information and resouces for municipalities to understand the importance of roadside safety and to be able to determine the most appropriate countermeasures. This class is not a design class but will focus on practical applications of roadside safety concepts. For example, it will follow the common theme for roadside hazard identification and improvement: hazard removal, relocation, make breakaway, shield, and delineate. Therefore, it will cover low cost improvements (pavement markings, delineators, chevrons) and higher cost (barriers). Information on guiderail warrant types, and end treatments will be presented.
Trucks on Local Roads: Issues and Solutions
Date: Tuesday, May 13, 2025 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Truck traffic on local roads is a difficult balancing act for many municipalities in Pennsylvania. While trucks need access to pick-up and deliver the goods that are necessary for everyday life and the economy, many local roads are not suitable for truck travel. Furthermore, recent changes to State Law in Act 31 of 2018 add more complications. This class will:
- Review current state laws and regulations on truck access and restrictions.
- Discuss the traffic study requirements and options for restricting truck traffic.
- Examine real local truck traffic issues, problems, and solutions.
- Explore planning approaches for trucks, including land use, the roadway network, and ordinances.
Date: Tuesday, May 27, 2025 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
This course identifies various types of geosynthetic materials used in road maintenance operations. Attendees will gain the knowledge and understanding of the common types of geosynthetic materials as well as their applications and functions. Instructors will review the cost benefits in using geosynthetics in the preventive maintenance of roadway structures. Such uses of geosynthetics as subsurface drainage, subgrade stabilization, soil reinforcement, erosion and sedimentation control, and paving fabric will also be discussed.
Asphalt Roads Common Maintenance Problems
Date: Tuesday, August 12, 2025 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
This course provides relevant information to individuals who have to maintain asphalt pavements. The course material reviews the importance of preventive maintenance to the life of an asphalt pavement. The material will help the student identify common asphalt distress, the cause of the distress, and the appropriate treatments. The latest techniques, materials, and equipment will be reviewed with an emphasis on repairing the asphalt distress properly the first time. Current industry standards to properly repair problems such as cracking and potholes will be presented in detail. The basics of treatments such as seal coats, micro surfacing, and overlays will be presented. A review of the latest treatments included in Penn DOT Publication 447 Approved Products for Lower Volume Local Roads, will be covered.
Seal Coat
Date: Tuesday, September 9, 2025 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Individuals attending this course will be presented with the information necessary for the proper planning and execution of a seal coat operation. This pavement preservation technique is often used by local government agencies to extend the useful life of their roadways. The various types of seal coat operations will be included. The participants will be able to identify typical roadway distress that can be addressed by the use of a liquid bituminous seal coat. The latest materials, equipment, and techniques available for performing this operation will be presented. The process to ensure the correct aggregate and liquid bituminous material selection is achieved will be reviewed. Equipment calibration requirements and the operational sequence will be presented to assist the participants in ensuring a quality product is obtained.
Drainage: The Key to Roads that Last
Date: Tuesday, October 14, 2025 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
This course covers the affect water has on roadways. Emphasis is on problems caused by poor drainage with discussion on various ways to handle these problems. Basic roadway drainage systems and their usage are reviewed. Industry standard procedures for replacing cross pipes are presented in detail. Regulatory agency policies and permit requirements are presented. The importance of performing routine inspection of drainage system assets is discussed with emphasis on the relationship to planning and Federal Aid reimbursement in the case of a disaster.
Winter Maintenance
Date: Tuesday, November 18, 2025 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
This course covers the basics of an effective and efficient winter maintenance program. Best Practices for winter maintenance operations will be emphasized. Topics will include an overview of the various materials available for treating the roadways, as well as, the latest techniques in pre-wetting and anti-icing practices. Other topics will include spreader calibration, material application rates, basic plowing techniques and environmental awareness.
Virutal Courses:
School Transportation Management
Date: ate: Tuesday, June 25 2024, 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
The purpose of this course is to provide municipalities with a basic understanding of the issues related to transportation management in and around schools. The course will identify key issues and outline tools and techniques available to mitigate them. At the end of this course, attendees will be able to:
- Understand the common transportation issues around schools.
- Understand the purpose of official school zones in Pennsylvania and how they are properly established.
- Apply solutions to manage congestion and safety concerns during school pickup and drop times.
Trucks on Local Roads
Date: Tuesday, July 9, 2024, 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Truck traffic on local roads is a difficult balancing act for many municipalities in Pennsylvania. While trucks need access to pick-up and deliver the goods that are necessary for everyday life and the economy, many local roads are not suitable for truck travel. Furthermore, recent changes to State Law in Act 31 of 2018 add more complications. This class will:
- Review current state laws and regulations on truck access and restrictions.
- Discuss the traffic study requirements and options for restricting truck traffic.
- Examine real local truck traffic issues, problems, and solutions.
- Explore planning approaches for trucks, including land use, the roadway network, and ordinances.
Virtual Drop-In Sessions:
Archived Virtual Drop-In Sessions
More Information
2018-2019 LTAP Annual Report
2019-2020 LTAP Annual Report
2020-2021 LTAP Annual Report
2021-2022 LTAP Annual Report
2022-2023 LTAP Annual Report
For more information please visit the PennDOT Local Technical Assistance Program Website