Monday, February 17, 2025

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Uniform Parcel Identifier Program


As of January 1, 2005, land record instruments must receive a Uniform Parcel Identifier (UPI) prior to the recording of the instrument.  The Recorders Office will not accept documents for recording without a UPI.  There is a $10.00 recording fee for each UPI, payable at the time of recording.  UPI’s are assigned/verified by the Land Records Office in the Department of Planning and Community Development.  For additional information, please review the following list of commonly asked questions and answers.

Q & A on the Uniform Parcel Identifier Ordinance:

Why have a UPI Ordinance?

By instituting this Ordinance, the County looks forward to being able to have a better interconnectivity between the multiple offices that work with land records.  In addition, the UPI will become a searchable item in the Recorders Office.  Hopefully, this will help the public and professionals more easily identify the connection between those instruments with a given Uniform Parcel Identifier and the County records that they reference.

What instruments need a UPI prior to recording?

Any type of Deeds, Easements, Right-of-Ways, Mortgages, Assignment, Release or Satisfaction of Mortgages, Lease, and as stated in the 2017 Ordinance Amendment (#2017-032):

                                                                        “…it is the intention of this Ordinance that every instrument involving or affecting any interest in specific real estate and presented for recording in the Lycoming County Office of the Recorder of Deeds shall have a UPI certified thereof.”

What is the process of receiving a UPI?

When the instrument is ready for an assigned or verified UPI, it can be brought to the Lycoming County Land Records Office.  We will accept instruments that are hand delivered to our office, instruments that have been mailed to the Register and Recorders Office and in return delivered to us, and instruments mailed directly to the Land Records Office to be returned by mail to the sender.  If it is brought to the Office, notice should be given at the front desk that a UPI is needed.  Legally there is a 24-hour or one business day turnaround for the County to assign or verify the UPI.  In most cases, we will try to assist people as quickly as possible or the instruments can be picked up at a later time.  Once we have the instruments, we look them over to determine whether the information provided denotes a UPI to be verified or requires a new UPI to be assigned.  There are five main components which are looked at to begin this determination: an existing UPI/parcel number,  owners’ name, property location, recital, and area or size of the realty involved.  Once the determination is made, we will place a stamp in the upper left hand corner of the face page with the UPI(s) listed so the Recorders Office will be able to collect the proper fees at the time of recording.

Where is the Land Records Office?

The Lycoming County Land Records Office is part of the Department of Planning and Community Development, which is located on the 3rd floor of the Third Street Plaza, 33 West 3rd Street, Williamsport.

How are the costs of UPI’s determined?

The cost of receiving a UPI is determined at the time of recording.  If the instrument being recorded has only one UPI, the price is included in the base recording fee for that particular type of instrument. If the instrument has multiple UPI’s there will be an additional fee assessed for each additional UPI.  There is an exception to this as to where the Ordinance was amended (#2005-01) to provide for a flat fee for Mortgage Assignments, Satisfactions and Releases.

Why isn’t the Land Records Office in or closer to the Recorders Office?

Each UPI is based on a location relative to a particular map and a particular Municipality within the County.  These maps are maintained by the Department of Planning and Community Development where there is a wealth of historical land records information, as well as the current and proposed subdivision information.  This information is necessary to the assignment and verification of UPI’s.  It’s important to remember that one of the goals of instituting the UPI Ordinance is to achieve an interconnectivity of the multiple offices that work with land records.

When can an instrument be brought to the Land Records Office?

The office is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, and is closed for most national holidays. We would encourage people to bring their instruments in as early as possible before actually needing to record them.

Does the instrument need to be signed and ready for recording to receive a UPI?

No, it just needs to be the original document for recording.  This would allow someone to receive a UPI on their instruments prior to a closing so as to have the option to record such instruments as quickly as possible.

Does the UPI need to be on the instrument before coming to the Land Records Office?

No, we will be placing the assigned/verified UPI on the instrument with our stamp. However, in preparing an instrument, if the UPI is known, it could be helpful to include it.

How many UPI’s will be assigned/verified for an addition lot to an existing parcel?

Just one; it will be assigned as a “part of” the UPI it is to be added to.

What will the UPI be for transfers of part interests in a parcel?

The UPI for such a transfer will be labeled as that particular one, which the transfer is an interest in.

What will the UPI be for State or Municipal taken or condemned land?

The UPI for such an action will be labeled as a “part of” that parcel that land is being taken from.

Does the number of lots in an instrument always correspond with the number of UPI’s assigned/verified?

No, an instrument could contain multiple lots or property descriptions and still only require one UPI.

How long will it take to receive a UPI?

It will take approximately 5 to 10 minutes or at the most 24 hours or 1 business day, unless notified otherwise.  The UPI will be given, if possible, as you wait on a first come first serve basis.  The amount of time that it takes for us to assign/verify a UPI will vary due to the verification of information in an instrument.

What could expedite the process?

Accurate information will always be a benefit in the processing of the UPI’s.  When preparing the instruments, take extra care to avoid typographical errors.  Be certain to include all the pertinent information in the instruments that will help to identify them with their corresponding UPI’s. For example; is there an existing UPI?  If someone is only a part interest owner in a piece of realty, who are the other owners? Where does title for a property come from, is it “being the same premises as…” or is it “being a part of the same premises as…”? Is the proper reference made to a filed subdivision?  Are there subdivision stipulations? Does it contain all the exceptions and reservations?  Having more information that matches to existing land records will help us verify more quickly, as well as assigning new UPI’s if needed.  If desired, we will also accept faxed copies of instruments to be reviewed prior to the originals arrival for the stamp.

May documents be faxed in advance to the Land Records Office?

Yes, draft documents may be faxed to the Land Records Office at 570-320-2135, attention UPI staff.

Does the Land Records Office accept draft documents by email?

Yes, draft documents are accepted by email.  Documents should be emailed to the Land Records Office at  If e-mail is used, a return e-mail will be sent to confirm that the Land Records Office received the documents.

Is there a receipt policy for documents dropped off at the Land Records Office?

Yes.  We will do our best to keep things together as we receive them, but our responsibility is to Assign/Verify a UPI on particular instruments and not to maintain a packet of materials. For the safety and integrity of any additional items that you may have for recording purposes, it is best practice to only turn over the instruments needing UPI certification to the Land Records Office.

Will the Land Records Office deliver instruments to the Recorders Office after they have Assigned/Verified the UPI?

No, not at this time.  The instruments will be available to be picked up if they have been dropped off and will be returned by mail if they were originally sent in through the mail.

If there are any further questions feel free to call the Land Records Office of the Department of Planning and Community Development at (570)320-2130.

If there are any specific questions about the following fee schedule, please call the Register and Recorder Office at (570) 327-2263.



(Effective September 1, 2017)


(No more than 4 names, 4 pages, 1 description) $74.00
Each additional description .50
Each additional name over four .50
Each additional page over four 2.00
Survey attached to deed 18" x 24" 3.00
Survey attached to deed 8-1/2" x 14" 2.00
Each additional Uniform Parcel Identifier (UPI) 10.00
(No more than 4 names, 4 pages, 1 description, includes 1 UPI) $74.00
Each additional description


Each additional name over four


Each additional page over four


Each additional Uniform Parcel Identifier (UPI)



ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE (addnl. pages apply & UPI apply w/ no addnl. fee)                                $66.00

ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS (addnl. pages apply & UPI apply w/ no addnl. fee)                                         $30.50

SUBORDINATION OF MORTGAGE (addnl. pages apply & UPI apply)                                                    $30.50

MODIFICTION OF MORTGAGE (addnl. pages apply & UPI apply)                                                          $30.50

POSTPONEMENT OF MORTGAGE (addnl. pages apply & UPI apply)                                                    $30.50

RELEASE OF MORTGAGE (addnl. pages apply & UPI apply w/ no addnl. fee)                                       $66.00

SATISFACTION PIECE (addnl. mtge. satisfied $5.00 & UPI apply w/ no addnl. fee)                                $69.00

AFFIDAVIT (addnl. pages apply, *)                                                                                                             $20.50

INSTALLMENT SALES AGREEMENTS (addnl. descriptions, names, pages & UPI apply)                       $64.00

RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL (addnl. UPI apply)                                                                                        $38.50

RESTRICTED COVENANTS (addnl. UPI apply)                                                                                        $28.50

OTHER AGREEMENTS (addnl. descriptions, names & pages apply, *)                                                    $18.50

PERMITS (addnl. descriptions, names & pages apply, *)                                                                           $18.50

CLEAN AND GREEN (No State Tax, addnl. UPI apply)                                                                             $28.50

EASEMENT or RIGHT-OF-WAY (addnl. names, pages & UPI apply)                                                       $64.00

DECLARATION OF TAKING (addnl. names, pages & UPI apply)                                                             $28.50

LEASE (30 years – addnl. names, pages & UPI apply)                                                                              $64.00

LEASE (Less than 30 years – addnl. names, pages & UPI apply)                                                             $28.50

TERMINATION & ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE (Less than 30 years - addnl. UPI apply)                            $28.50

POWER OF ATTORNEY (addnl. pages & names apply, *)                                                                       $18.50

REVOCATION OF POWER OF ATTORNEY (*)                                                                                        $18.50

STATE HIGHWAY MAP (18” x 24”, addnl. UPI apply)                                                                               $24.00

            Each additional map page                                                                                                              $ 3.00


(Must be recorded within 90 days of approval – 18” x 24”, addnl. UPI apply)                                            $28.50

            Each additional map page                                                                                                              $ 3.00

NOTARY PUBLIC BOND                                                                                                                           $15.25

NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSION                                                                                                              $25.25

NOTARY PUBLIC NAME CHANGE                                                                                                           $18.50

DISTRICT JUSTICE BOND AND COMMISSION                                                                                       $24.50

FINANCING STATEMENT (*)                                                                                                                    $100.00

CERTIFICATION OF RECORDED INSTRUMENTS                                                                                  $ 1.50

PHOTOCOPY                                                                                                                                            $    .50

PHOTOCOPY OF MAP                                                                                                                              $  2.00

FAX COPIES                                                                                                                                              $  2.00

            Each additional page                                                                                                                      $   .50

( * ) ~ If these types of Instruments are Realty related or otherwise affect an interest in Real Estate, UPI certification will be required and an additional fee per UPI will apply.

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