Tuesday, October 15, 2024

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Human Resources

48 West Third Street
Williamsport, PA 17701
3rd Floor, Third Street Plaza
33 W 3rd Street
Williamsport, PA 17701

Phone: (570) 320-2100
Fax: (570) 320-2152


Employment Opportunities

Partnership Health Center 

Retired Employees

Retiree Newsletters

Transparency in Coverage

Health Insurance MRFs

Retired Employees

           Retired Employees - County of Lycoming

In July, 2006, the retired employees of Lycoming County organized a local social group that meets bi-monthly for a luncheon meeting, enjoys occasional field trips, and celebrates at an annual holiday luncheon. All retirees and their spouses are invited to join us at the following meetings:

If you’re interested in joining our social group, you can mail your dues and information to Barb Thomas.  Dues are $10 per person per year.

Barb Thomas
426 Wyndham Court
Williamsport, PA 17701

*Please make your check out to Lycoming County Retirees.

Group Officers:
Chair:  Alice Bair
Co-Chair:  Jean Stump
Secretary:  Dorothy Thomas
Treasurer:  Barb Thomas

County Liaison: Tatyana Turner (570-320-8118) Tturner@lyco.org


Copyright 2007 by Lyco.org