Sunday, October 06, 2024

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Library System Board

Established in 1983, the Lycoming County Library System is comprised of the six public libraries in Lycoming County: Hughesville Area Public Library, James V. Brown Library (Williamsport), Jersey Shore Public Library, W.B. Konkle Memorial Library (Montoursville), Montgomery Area Public Library, and the Muncy Public Library. Each library is independently governed and operated by a local Board of Trustees.


The Lycoming County Library System Board members represent either the County Commissioners office, the people of Lycoming County, or an individual library. These trustees have a responsibility to plan for services beyond a library’s physical building since library services in Lycoming County are supported through tax dollars from all property owners, many of whom live 50 miles away from a library. The Board of Trustees ensures that state standards established by the Pennsylvania Public Library Code are met to receive state aid.


The Lycoming County Library System is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit entity whose board is appointed by the Lycoming County Commissioners.

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