Sunday, October 06, 2024

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Conservation District Board

The Lycoming District is managed by a seven member volunteer Board of Directors. The Directors volunteer their time, talents, and other resources to meet, discuss and review current issues and make the prudent and sometime difficult decisions that guide the variety of programs that we administer at the County level. Any landowner or occupier in Lycoming County is eligible to serve on the board or as a non-voting Associate Director. Monthly meetings take place at the Lysock Complex, 542 County Farm Road, Montoursville, PA 17754, the third Wednesday of each month (no meeting in December) at 6:00 PM. All are welcome!! Support and oversight for most of these programs is provided by the State Conservation Commission as well as various state agencies, i.e. Dept. Environmental Protection, Dept. of Ag, DCNR, etc.

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