Monday, February 17, 2025

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For Municipalities

Is it required to implement a Stormwater Management Ordinance?


Each municipality is responsible for adopting a stormwater ordinance as required by the State Act 167.  It's best advised that each municipality would adopt their own free standing stormwater ordinance since there will be stormwater permits required for certain land disturbances (i.e. driveway) that do not fall under the County or respective municipal zoning and subdivision/land development ordinances.

DEP Stormwater Fact Sheet (32KB PDF)

How to adopt a Stormwater Management Ordinance?

Municipalities may either adopt the model ordinance as a free standing ordinance or modify their existing stormwater ordinance to be consistent with the County of Lycoming Creek Watershed Stormwater Plan and Model Ordinance. Each municipality needs to determine the consistency of their ordinance with the help of the municipal solicitor and/or engineer.

Please note that you need to modify your Zoning and/or Subdivision & Land Development Ordinances to include a cross-reference to the municipal stormwater ordinance.

Municipal Official's Handbook (355KB PDF)

Municipal Stormwater Plan Application

Stormwater Permit Process Flowchart (500KB PDF)
Appendix E: Runoff Coefficients in PDF or Excel formats.

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