Monday, February 17, 2025

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Legal Research Collection


Below you can find a list of our print and online collection, available for all law library patrons to use. The print collection list contains the larger collections, along with the more popular books but is not a complete list of the books availble. There is room available to  read from the collection and conduct research, but books are not permitted to leave the law library.

In Print - State

Purdon's Pennsylvania Statutes

The PA constitution and an unofficial consolidation of the statutes of PA. The books are organized by topic, ranging from "Aeronautics to Zoning."

West's Pennsylvania Digest

PA case law from the United States Supreme Court down to the county court level.

Pennsylvania Code

PA Regulations and other documents filed with the Legislative Reference Bureau.

Standard Pennsylvania Practice

A "how-to" for criminal and civil practice and procedures. Includes: statutory changes, constitutional amendments, court rule amendments, etc..

Rules of Court

Rules of court needed to practice before the state courts of Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania Session Laws

All acts passed in each session of the PA legislature, in chronological order.  One volume for each year.


Security deposits, tenant evictions, interpretation of key lease provisions, compliance with the Plain Language Act, dealing with troublesome tenants, bounced rent checks, abandonment, implied warranty of habitability, and more.

Trust Guide

PA Uniform Trust Act, PA Prudent Investor Rule, PA Uniform Principal and Income Act, Types of Trusts, Special Needs Trusts, Considerations for Est. a trust, Considerations for funding a trust, Considerations of transferring real estate to or from a trust, Considerations for serving as trustee, reforming, terminating and amending trusts, taxation of trusts, trust situs.

Fiduciary Guide

Grant of Letters, probate of wills, family exemption, elective share of surviving spouse, debts and claims against an estate, inventory, survival, abatement, and control of actions, federal estate and income taxes, accounting, distribution, and will contests, etc..

Orphan's Court

Orphan's court laws which include but are not limited to: Adoption, Aliens, Annuities, Appeals, Attorney and Client, Bankruptcy, Cemetery lots, charities, contracts, Contests of Wills, Contract to Make a Will, Forgery, Funeral, Husband and Wife, Guardian and Ward, Incapacitated persons, income tax, leases, inheritances tax, Marriage, and Mortgages.

Worker's Rights

Includes but not limited to; insurance issues, employee retirement income Security Act concerns, and at will issues.


Municipal Liability

Includes but not limited to; tort claims act, exceptions to immunity, official immunity, legal assistance in indemnity of municipal officials and employees, damages, bars to suit, and the Recreation Act.

Local Ordinances

Laws and regulations for the townships, boroughs, cities, and municipalities in Lycoming County. You can find some ordinances online at

Lycoming Reporter

Records from the Lycoming County Courts.

Rules of Court

Rules of court needed to practice before the local courts of Pennsylvania.


United States Code Annotated

United States Code Annotated contains all the laws of the U.S Code along with their judicial constructions. Includes: cross references to related and qualifying laws, historical notes to locate sources, library references to West Digests, Reporters, and C.J.S.

Federal Practice and Procedure

Federal civil, criminal and appellate procedure, including rules of civil, criminal, and appellate procedure, rules of evidence, the federal judicial system, jurisdiction of all federal courts, venue, removal cases, res judicata, relations of state and federal courts, multidistrict litigation, etc.

Rules of Court

Rules of court needed to practice before the federal courts of Pennsylvania.

Inheritance and Estate Law

Transfers subject to tax, transfers not subject to tax, rate of tax, valuation, deductions, payment of tax, Uniform Act on Interstate Compromise and Arbitration of Inheritance Taxes, Collection of Tax, Refund of Tax, Disputed Tax, Entry into safe deposit box.



Thomson Reuters Westlaw online legal research service for lawyers and legal professionals as well as a Practical Law feature for non legal professionals.


“Pro se litigants” are individuals who are representing themselves in a legal proceeding.
The Lycoming County Law Library has organized materials and resources for individuals who choose to represent themselves in a legal matter. Individuals who represent themselves in court proceedings are referred to as “pro se,” which in Latin means “for self.” The information provided online and in the law library may not be appropriate for your situation. The law library does not provide legal advice and should not be substituted for legal advice. If you have legal questions, you should contact a lawyer. Pro se litigants are held to the same standards as attorneys admitted to the bar of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Representing yourself does not exempt you from understanding and following state-wide and local rules of court.
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