Thursday, September 19, 2024

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Objective: Document current status of each site and identify physical, political, and business constraints in order to understand the range of options and future potential for them. Attention to be paid to each parcel and its highest use.

 Key Components:

  • Examine Existing and Planned Infrastructure
  • Develop Comprehensive Parcel Profiles
  • Undertake Market Assessment
  • Assess Environmental Conditions
  • Review Existing Plans and Ordinances
  • Identify Business Displacement and Replacement


Deliverables: Maps and studies detailing the realistic possibilities of the Corridors and the feasibility of redevelopment for each parcel

Status Update: Feasibility Study is substantially complete and fully incorporated into the overall Corridor Plan. 

Maps of I-180 Corridor here (740KB PDF)


Maps of Old Mill Corridor here (450KB PDF)

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